An Open Letter to The Families of The Fallen;


Dear Families, 

I’d like to begin this letter with an apology. An apology for those in our nation who are ignorant, and whose agenda’s are selfish. I apologize on behalf of the privileged, naive players on teams who insult you and our nation. I apologize for those who don’t recognize the heroism of your loved one. 

With that, I’d like to thank you on behalf of myself and all the American’s who love this country. I’d like to focus on what you’ve sacrificed. 

This day is a day that is easily fogged by mega sales and celebrations. It’s a day where people party and enjoy a day off work. It is a day though, that must be seen for what it is. It is a day on which we pay you, the families, our respects for your loved one who laid down their life for this country. For us. Our anthem speaks, “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” This day is a day we must honor and remember those brave ones. 

When I think about you, I think about the feeling in your stomach when you heard the car doors slam, and the feeling you had when you saw the two officers standing at your door as they removed their hats. I think about you, and how you must think about that last hug you gave them, and how you weren’t sure if you were going to be able to do that again. I think about you and where you display that folded up flag in your home. I think about you and how you feel when you wake up on this day. I think about what our nation would be like if it weren’t for them. 

This day is about being incredibly grateful for the men and women who stood up for us. Who loved their country enough to die for it. I can’t say I’m brave enough to do that. But you are, because you are part of them. You are brave and courageous for standing beside them as they stood on the lines. 

Our freedom is easily something we take for granted because most of us have never known anything different. We just expect it. We wake up everyday and have it. But you, you have been an integral part in making the freedom in this nation possible. 

I feel great pride in this country, for what we stand for, and my appreciation for your men and women is hard to put into words. Their bravery & courage is recognized. My prayer is that you, the families, know that and feel that from the rest of this country on this day, but on everyday after. I pray that the people of this country would recognize the sacrifice that thousands have given for them. 

“There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.”

    -John 15:13

Today, we celebrate the ones you held dear. We thank you. Your broken hearts are not in vain.

This country is not what it is without who you’ve given. And to the ones who continue to stand bravely, we thank you. You are heroes and make our blessed lives even more blessed.